R.E.S.I.S.T ~ Precious Victor Akah

You know, this is not very obvious to many readers of the Bible, but did you realize that Potiphar's wife did not ask Joseph to sleep with her once. I mean, it wasn't just once she asked Joseph to sleep with her, it was several times; yet Joseph did not change his mind about the firm NO he gave to her each of the time she asked. Genesis 39:10 (TPT) says, " Yet day after day, she was determined to seduce him. But Joseph continually refused her advances and would not even go near her." MSG says, "She pestered him day after day after day, but he stood his ground. He refused to go to bed with her." 

Many times when we're tempted ONCE to do something wrong, we easily overcome the temptation. But when the temptation keeps coming and becomes incessant with some pressure added to it, some of us may not stand our ground in the long run.

What is that temptation confronting you right now that you've said NO to, but because it keeps coming again and again, you're considering giving in? Remember Joseph and stand your ground firmly like he did.

Are you aware that Joseph was 17 years old when his brothers sold him to the Ishmaelites and then to Portiphar (see Genesis 37:2). So the offer Portiphar's wife made to Joseph to sleep with her came to him as a young man (within the age of 18-25 years probably) because he was 30 years of age when Pharaoh appointed him as his second-in-command (Genesis 41:46), and he had spent some years in prison before the appointment.

Consequently, you may be a teenager, a young man or woman, but that temptation facing you right now (to sin against God) that you're considering giving in to was overcame by a young, teenage boy called Joseph. Let his victory strengthen and encourage you not to give in.

What's more? Joseph did not have the Holy Spirit living inside of him when he resisted Potiphar's wife's temptation. Because the Holy Spirit did not live in anyone until the New Testament, He only comes upon an individual in the Old Testament to do a supernatural work and then leaves (see Judges 14:6 , 1 Samuel 10:6, Judges 3:10, Judges 11:29, 1 Samuel 11:6).

Genesis 42:18 says, "On the third day Joseph said to them, “I am a God-fearing man. If you do as I say, you will live." What Joseph had was the FEAR OF GOD, and that alone, plus the strength from God, was enough for him to continuously say NO to a wrong.

Now you and I, and every child of God has both the Holy Spirit living in us and the fear of God, hence, much more is expected from us by God in resisting temptations to sin. The Holy Spirit is in us quickening us to be firm for righteousness and we equally have the fear of God strengthening us to resist evil in all its forms, so, we should do better than Joseph.

Are you being tempted by friends and society to involve yourself in an illegal or ungodly act/ritual to get wealth? RESIST continuously until the tempter gets tired and give up.

Are you being tempted to tell lies or cheat at your workplace or in your business dealings with your customers? RESIST and don't stop resisting.

Are you being tempted to have sex before marriage or practice same-sex romance, or conceive without a husband and practice single parenting, because it looks normal in our present world? RESIST the tempter.

Are you being tempted to engage in extra-marital affairs because your spouse is mistreating you or your marriage is having a hard time? RESIST!

Are you being tempted as a student to engage in exam malpractices or sorting, or to join a cult or other ungodly stuffs that is rampant in educational institutions today? RESIST!

No matter what temptation you're faced with today and right now, like Joseph, keep resisting, keep saying no to the tempter; he will eventually give up. And no matter what they plan together against you because you refuse to do evil, God who fought for Joseph will fight for you and give you victory and you'll share your testimony to encourage others too.

Remember this: God did not only bring Joseph out of prison, He rewarded him by elevating his social status to that of the second-in-command of Pharaoh and gave him the daughter of a priest, to be his wife, who gave birth to two male children for Joseph. What a blessing and a great reward for resisting the temptation to sin against God.

Therefore, be strong; stand firm for righteousness.

R. RUN from temptations to sin against God.
E. ENCOURAGE yourself that you can do it.
S. STAND your ground not to give in.
I. INSIST on honoring God.
S. STRIVE for righteousness.
T. TURN continually away from wrong.

Let the doggedness of young Joseph challenge everyone of us to stand firm for righteousness. You can live holy. You can please God. You can be godly. Yes, you can! Start living it today.

The story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife can be found in the Book of Genesis Chapter 39 verse 7 to 23.

Stay blessed.

PS: You can always reach out to us via email: preciouscphilip@gmail.com or on Facebook @ Precious Victor Akah






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