I've been born again for 12 years now and I've encountered challenges in different forms and intensities - as a teenager and as an adult. Challenges is part of life. You can't run from it as long as you're in this world. And you can't escape it by surrendering your life to Jesus actually as some people may think. As a matter of fact, the Scripture says, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivers him from them all."(Psalm 34:19). God the Father also promised, "Call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.” (Psalm 50:15) These scriptures and many others point to the glaring truth that no one can run or escape from life's challenges. Whether you belong to Jesus or not, whether you accept Jesus and live righteous or reject Him and live the way you want to live, you cannot escape challenges of life. The big difference however between the two, is that, for those who belong to Chr