As someone whose home builder is God and whose foundation for building a home is the Word of God, it is essential to prepare yourself in three crucial areas for a blissful home: 1. Character 2. Financial Management 3. Sexual Purity In our last post, we explored CHARACTER. Today, we will delve into FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT and SEXUAL PURITY. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Effective money management is vital for a blissful home. The ability to save, spend wisely, live within your means, give generously, and invest strategically contributes to the overall well-being of a household. Furthermore, financial transparency and accountability are key to maintaining family harmony. As an unmarried person, the financial habits you cultivate now will carry over into your marriage. If you are prone to borrowing or begging, these behaviors will persist after you tie the knot. Lavish and unwise spending now will also manifest in your marriage, as will an inability to save or appreciate the value of inve...