You don't have to pray for A husband, but you have to pray for YOUR husband. What do I mean? Read on to find out.

I really do not believe that praying for a husband (fasting and praying for 3 days, 7 days, 21 days, 30 days and so on) for God to give you a husband is God's PERFECT will for any of His children. I honestly do not believe that! Why? I did not see anywhere in the Scripture (both Old and New Testament) where any woman prayed or fasted for God to give her a husband.
But sadly, this has become the norm in our present day, when it is not practiced nor taught nor encouraged in the Bible.

And, please don't be fooled with this common statement: "What works for one may not work for another." or "What worked for you may not work for me."; because it is not applicable here. What the Scripture tells us is that all of God's promises in the Bible is for all His children. So any promise of God you see in the Bible can be yours, it can be your reality, if only you believe. So far as it is boldly written in the Bible, you can experience it. When God says the expectation of the righteous shall not be caught off, He is talking to all His children, not some of His children. When He says you shall not labour in vain, He is addressing all His children. Stop thinking that what worked for this person may not work for you, if it is a promise of God in the Bible, you too can have it.

Back to our subject: you don't have to pray for A husband, but you have to pray for YOUR husband. What do I mean by this? I'll tell you my story: how I got married. As a single person, (this is not to blow my trumpet) but I never knelt down for one day to pray or fast and ask God to give me a husband. I never did for a day. I got born again in 2012, and after my spiritual rebirth, I began serving the Lord truthfully and zealously. I was 20 years then. Marriage was not yet on my mind because I desired to marry from age 25 and above. So I focused on serving God, propagating the message of the Kingdom, and living a holy life pleasing to God. 

Due to the nature and dominant religion of the country I was living in, getting married to a godly man who genuinely love God and fear Him seemed improbable, in fact, many people would consider it impossible, especially since I desired to marry someone from my native country. But that did not make me panic and go into ceaseless fasting and prayers. I simply had faith in God that when it is time for me to marry, I'll not LOOK nor PRAY for a life partner, I'll simply CHOOSE the right man He has prepared for me out of the many that will show up. This was my belief, and indeed, many showed up.

However, I did something when I became newly born again and gained some wisdom, truths and knowledge about marriage. I spoke to my Heavenly Father and told Him that I would not want to miss it in marriage, that I would want to fulfill my beautiful destiny and marry right, so when it is time for me to marry, He should give me a man after His own heart, who will love me and treat me well as His beloved wife. This was the prayer I remember praying at this age. As my understanding and knowledge of what a godly life partner is got better, I would always declare the kind of man I will marry and how our marriage will be. This was all I did regarding having a life partner.

Now guess what, a year after I got saved, (2013 precisely) God Almighty Himself connected me with the man He has destined to be my husband. He connected us through a special medium, because we never knew each other from Adam, neither were we residing in the same country. God brought us together as friends (although my husband already knew I was to be his wife), and after some years of friendship, we got married and I am enjoying my husband.

You know, a lot of men came asking for my hand in marriage - both believers and unbelievers - (this was someone who never engaged in rigorous fasting and prayers for God to give her a husband), I simply CHOSE the man the Holy Spirit revealed to me was the right man.

This too can be your testimony. No matter your current age, so far as you desire to marry, there is a man God has reserved for you and all you need is for God to connect you both in His own way. And God will not orchestrate this meeting because you're bombarding Him night and day with prayers of, "Lord, I need a husband", or "God, please give me a husband." The Bible says God knows what we need better than we do. He knows you need a husband, but the reason your desire may not have been granted is because you're desperate about it to the point that your daily prayers is solely: "God, give me a husband"; your fastings is all geared towards God giving you a husband. Or, you're depressed and sad because you're yet to marry; or your sole motive for serving God and working in the church is to get a husband for yourself; or you're even presently angry with God for not having given you a husband. All these will only lengthen your waiting period.

This is what you should rather do to see the kind of result you want: PRAY FOR YOUR HUSBAND. Find scriptures in the Bible talking about God's promises in marriage and in finding a life partner. Use these scriptures to model the kind of man you want to marry. Proclaim and declare it with your mouth and present it to God and leave it with Him. Then focus on your service to God. Remember the Scripture that says, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33). Let God know that you're serving Him not because you want Him to give you a husband, but because you genuinely love Him and are truly interested in promoting and advancing His Kingdom on earth.

Do this and you shall soon testify. God bless you.



  1. This is awesome..
    I could remember vividly how preserved and reserved the writer was during our school days.

    Hopefully, many girls will take her advice more serious.

    May God preserve your marriage so that you will be a living evidence that God gives the best.


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