TRUTH AGELESS ~ Precious Victor Akah
2 Corinthians 13:8 "For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth."
You would have realized by now that people can conceal the truth, people can suppress the truth, people can attempt to bury the truth, they can even delay the truth from coming to limelight, but no one can successfully eradicate the truth; this is an ageless truth.
You can fight the truth, but in the end, truth will always prevail. You can try to twist or corrupt the truth, but truth is truth and it is incorruptible. You can only TRY to corrupt the truth but you cannot successfully corrupt the truth. A truth that may seem to have been corrupted or altered is only but a lie, because truth is truth.
Paul speaking to the Galatians in the book of Galatians 1:7 made this statement worth noting down: "...Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are TRYING to pervert the gospel of Christ." Note the last statement "are TRYING to pervert the gospel of Christ". In other words, you can try to pervert, alter, corrupt or distort the truth, but what you'll end up having is a pack of lies, not destroyed truth because you cannot destroy truth.
Truth cannot be changed; truth remains the same from generations to generations regardless of civilization or modernity. In our present day, we are seeing various kinds of appalling alterations being made to so many things like dressing (fashion), manner of relationship with the opposite sex, marriage, child training and upbringing. Modernity have been introduced in so many things: the kind of movies being produced and what these movies projects or portrays, the way marriage is run, the way relationship with the opposite sex and even same-sex is run, the way children are being raised, the manner businesses operate, the way politics is run in different countries and, a lot of other modern changes.
These developing outrageous changes makes some people think that truth has been eradicated and completely replaced with lies, but nothing could be further from the truth. Like I earlier said, truth is indestructible; and anyone who fights the truth will only end up realizing he is a great fool. For instance, if you decide to stop being truthful and honest and begin lying about everything you do and say (just because you think lying is now a normal thing or that telling the truth is no longer in vogue and people get away with lying), sooner than later, you'll realize how foolish you are to embrace the lifestyle of lying when the shameful rewards of lying starts attending to your life.
The same goes to a young lady or a young man who thinks promiscuity is the present norm and that it is now okay to engage in illicit sexual affairs with married/unmarried folks, disdaining sexual purity, because modern movies and comedy skits now portray sex before marriage and sex outside marriage as pleasurable and normal. In the end, you'll wish you stuck to the truth.
The best position and the wisest disposition anyone should have to the truth is love and not animosity. If you hate the truth, you'll not live by the truth and the end result will be pain and regrets. But if you love the truth, you'll live by the truth (no matter what the world is saying, no matter what civilization has brought, no matter the attack and criticism that comes with upholding the truth), and the end result will be rejoicing, jubilation and envy from people.
What is Truth? Truth is what the Word of God (the Holy Bible) says is truth.
Where do I find the Truth? You find the Truth in God's Word (the Holy Bible). Outside the Word of God, what you'll find is lies because the Word of God itself is Truth, according to Jesus in John 17:17: "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth."
So, stop looking for Truth in movies, magazines, literatures, TV programmes, Radio programmes, social media, blogs, articles, books; have you first opened the Bible to know God's mind on that issue? Have you searched through the pages of the Scripture to know what God says on that matter? Have you studied God's Word enough to understand God's stand on that critical issue? Don't just go with the flow if you don't want to be destroyed with the crowd. Find out what God's Word has said on every matter and let that be your stand on every matter - that is the way to ensure that you live a life you will not regret.
Let God's Word have the final say on every issue. Live by the Truth. Live for the Truth. Live truthfully.
"God, His way is blameless. The word of the LORD is tested [it is perfect, it is faultless]; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him." Psalm 18:30 AMP
Stay blessed.
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