SUICIDE, AN ESCAPE? ~ Precious Victor Akah

Suicidal ideation, or having suicidal thoughts and urges, is very common. Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15–29-year-olds. It's estimated that millions of people consider suicide, plan a suicide attempt, or attempt suicide and survive. More than 700, 000 people die due to suicide every year. So, this is a serious issue globally, and this is one of the many reasons this blog post was written to minister help to those battling with suicidal thoughts this very moment. 

Hold on; don't end your life, you can rise again; those dreams and visions can still be accomplished; you're on this earth for a divine purpose; you have a greater and bigger reason to live.

I'll share a personal story to begin. Before I encountered Jesus and became a child of God, I was heavily plagued with suicidal thoughts at a certain time in my teenage years, because I constantly battled with the thoughts of "NOT BEING GOOD AND GIFTED ENOUGH" and "HAVING NO SPECIAL PURPOSE FOR LIVING". I felt the world does not need me and I have nothing special to offer humanity that every other person is not already offering. I felt I had no special talent or gift like most people do.

This, as a teenager, constantly drove me to a place where I'd often contemplate leaving this world, because I felt I didn't fit in and was worthless. But today, the story has changed. I supernaturally encountered Jesus many years ago, He saved me from the shackles of sin, transformed my mindset and gave me a unique purpose to live. If you're going through this phase as a teenager right now, please understand that suicide is not the way out. Thank God I didn't act on those thoughts and take my life then, otherwise, I won't be here today to encourage you with this write-up. If I overcame, you too can overcome, with the help of Jesus.

Many a time, when we're confronted with tough life battles, challenges, hopeless situations, heartbreak, loss of a loved one, and overwhelming circumstances that seems insurmountable, a lot of persons immediately start thinking of leaving this world; suicide becomes attractive and we want to escape the pains, hurt, shame, guilt, and disappointments to a place of rest, and the devil quickly presents suicide to us as a way of escape to this haven of rest. 

But the devil is a liar and the father of lies. The implication of this is, if he presents suicide as a way of escape to a place of rest and bliss to you, he is deceiving you. Now you might ask, how do I know it's the devil that floods our minds with suicidal thoughts when we're at our lowest moments, well, God gave you life and He is the one still keeping you alive till now. Therefore, God cannot suggest to you to end the life He graciously gave you. The devil didn't give you life, and that's why he wants you to end it.

And guess what? The moment a person chooses to end the life God graciously gave them, they don't return back to God, but to a place of eternal torture called Hell fire. Reason is because you'll be violating the law of God not to commit murder by killing yourself. Someone, while addressing the issue of suicide said it is not good to say "someone committed suicide" because using the word 'commit' would mean you're accusing the person of a crime. 

But the truth is, murder is a crime, including self-murder. So, please don't consider committing this crime. Even if you ask someone else to take your life or deliberately put yourself in a dangerous situation where someone else would end your life accidentally, before God, it is still self-murder because you intentionally plotted or masterminded your own death, though carried out by another human. 

The truth I want you to believe so strongly today is, GOD WANTS YOU ALIVE; you're still useful to Him. He created you and sent you to earth for a special purpose, no matter how you came into this world. This special purpose I did discover when Jesus saved me, and it is what is still keeping me alive till date. I can't kill myself and the devil and no human on earth can kill me because God sent me to earth for a purpose, and until I accomplish it fully, I'm not going anywhere yet, except Jesus decides to come to earth today.

Another truth I want you to know is SUICIDE IS NOT AN ESCAPE FROM PAIN AND SUFFERING - never! Yes, you might escape the pain and suffering in the world, but you actually transition to another world of unending pains and sufferings. Suicide is the beginning of unending sorrows, pain, torture, agony and suffering in a place called Hell fire, and later to an eternal place called The Lake Of Fire. This is not to scare you into not committing suicide, but to arm you with the whole truth so you can make a wise and informed decision. If all the people that died by suicide should come back to planet earth, one thing they'll all say is, I WISH I NEVER TOOK MY LIFE. 

The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 1:9, "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." There is nothing you're facing or passing through today that no one on this earth has passed through. That reason you want to end your life for, another person has used the same situation to become a strong person, a leader, a wealthy and influential person in the world today.

Is it the pain of betrayal and disappointment? Is it the painful loss of a loved one? Is it constant failure and rejection? It is not a reason to take your life. Have you experienced a great financial loss? Are you battling with repetitive thoughts of not being beautiful or handsome enough? Is the constant body-shaming pushing you to contemplate suicide?

Are you experiencing childlessness, poverty and penury, a heartbreak, the pain of having a wayward child or irresponsible and uncaring parents? Are you suffering abuse? Are you weeping constantly and lack peace in a home where your parents are always fighting and quarrelling? Is it the agony of a long-term sickness that has refused to go? Is it academic failure, or career failure? 

Whatever be the challenge or source of pain, do not let it drive you to end your life. There is someone that is willing to help you out. He said, "If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest." That Person is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He can and is ready to help you. He helped me when I cried out for help. He too can help you and give you rest from your troubles and pains.

We were never created to do life alone. We were created to do life with God. We'll always need God. When you think you're self-sufficient and don't need God, you'll one day come face to face with a challenge tougher and greater than you, and then you'll realize how much you need God. If you're already at that point, humble yourself and call on God now. There are situations where no man, no matter how highly placed they are in the society, can help you. God alone is Self-sufficient. God alone is All-powerful, Almighty and Self-dependent. Let God help you and reveal to you the purpose for which He created you.

Someone said, "The common link among people who kill themselves is the belief that suicide is the only solution to a set of overwhelming feelings. The attraction of suicide is that it will finally end these unbearable feelings. The tragedy of suicide is that intense emotional distress often blinds people to alternative solutions... yet other solutions are almost always available." 

There is always a solution to every problem. Whenever you see a problem, know that the solution is nearby. My husband (Victor Akah) says, "Every problem tilts towards its solution." You failed, you can rise again. You lost precious valuables, you can gain all back again. You lost, you can win again. Don't end your life too soon. Rise up and start again. Don't give up on yourself even if everyone else has given up on you. If you don't give up and eventually rise to stardom, those who gave up on you will come back to apologize and celebrate you. Never forget this.


When you're back on your feet again, remember to go back and help others out who are still stuck in the prison of suicidal thoughts.
Studies shows that at least 70 percent of all people committing suicide give some clue as to their intentions before they make an attempt. If a person you know is going through a particularly stressful situation - perhaps having difficulty maintaining a meaningful relationship, having consistent failure in meeting preset goals, or even experiencing stress at having failed an important test- watch for other signs of crisis.

Many persons convey their intentions directly with statements such as "I feel like killing myself," or "I don't know how much longer I can take this." Others in crisis may hint at a detailed suicide plan with statements such as "I've been saving up my pills in case things get really bad," or "Lately I've been driving my car like I really don't care what happens." 

In general, statements describing feelings of depression, helplessness, worthlessness, extreme loneliness, and/or hopelessness may suggest suicidal thoughts. It is important to listen to these "cries for help" because they are usually desperate attempts to communicate to others the need to be understood and helped.

Often persons thinking about suicide show outward changes in their behavior. They may prepare for death by giving away prized possessions, making a will, or putting other affairs in order. They may withdraw from those around them, change eating or sleeping patterns, or lose interest in prior activities or relationships. A sudden, intense lift in spirits may also be a danger signal, as it may indicate the person already feels a sense of relief knowing the problems will "soon be ended."

When you notice someone is contemplating suicide or exhibiting suicidal behaviors, reach out to them with the love of Jesus. Encourage, give a loving hug, be compassionate, give a smile, time, gift to them. Do all you can to get rid of the thoughts of suicide in their heart and mind. Help them in any way you can.

Some Warning Signs of Suicide To Note:

Talking about wanting to die or wanting to kill themselves
Talking about feeling empty or hopeless or having no reason to live
Talking about feeling trapped or feeling that there are no solutions
Feeling unbearable emotional or physical pain
Talking about being a burden to others
Withdrawing from family and friends; isolating themself
Giving away important possessions
Saying goodbye to friends and family
Putting affairs in order, such as making a will
Taking great risks that could lead to death, such as driving extremely fast
Talking or thinking about death often
Other serious warning signs that someone may be at risk for attempting suicide include:

Displaying extreme mood swings, suddenly changing from very sad to very calm or happy
Making a plan or looking for ways to kill themselves, such as searching for lethal methods online, stockpiling pills, or buying a gun
Talking about feeling great guilt or shame
Using alcohol or drugs more often
Acting anxious or agitated
Changing eating or sleeping habits
Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge.

If you've received help, help others too. And if you're still receiving help, remember to help others when you're standing again.

QUEEN ERIKWE writes...

What if Job killed himself?
If you're familiar with happy-endings from Scriptures, you most probably know Job's story. One of the most respected and wealthiest man in his time lost all his wealth, children and health in a twinkle of an eye. It won't be an exaggeration to say that his whole life crumbled in a day. Yet this man held on to his faith in God. And, God rewarded him for it. Today, the book of Job serves as a reservoir of strength for those in trying times, because Job didn't let go of hope and faith. You can say to yourself , 'I can't lay claim on my right standing with God'. Well, you can hold on to God's love and mercy.

Life can take unexpected turns into seemingly unending darkness. It did for Job. It does for everyone. Still, suicide is not an escape route. It is a bait. Definitely, the Devil's bait, to cause you to share in his doom. And, frustrate destinies intertwined with yours.The Devil wants you in hell with him and suicide is surely a short route to hell. Choosing to kill yourself because of pain, loss or/and suffering is a very myopic and self-centered decision. We live for others. We live for Jesus.

The pain you're feeling is real. Undeniably real. Don't waste it. Let that seemingly overwhelming pain drive you to seek God. Let it push you into the ever-warm embrace of His Spirit. Take your pain and place at His feet and leave it there, in exchange for glory - His glory. Your darkest night is the best time to be with God. There's this Scripture I like to meditate on when I get life's blow: "They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed" (Psalms 34:5,NKJV). Is the pain overwhelming? The shame crushing? Look to God.

Don't cheat others from gaining from your pain. Push through so you pull others up. Your story of pain and shame will give hope to the despairing, and glory to God. Just don't take Satan's bait. Say an unequivocal and unapologetic 'NO' to the Devil's suggestion of suicide. You have people to live for. You have Jesus to live for.
~ Queen Erikwe

ELVIS MAUREEN writes....

I would like to share my experience with you. This is the first time I'm doing this and I believe my testimony will help you overcome this phase of your life. Several years ago, I had suicidal thoughts. I wanted to take my own life, because of guilt, discouragement and failure. I thank God, who was faithful to deliver me from such devilish thoughts and idea. The Word of God points us to the reason people entertain this thought and act upon it.‭ The only reason is that the devil wants to steal lives, and he is willing to do it at all cost. Don't give him the power.

John 10:10 TPT‬
[10] A thief (the devil) has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect —life in its fullness until you overflow!"
God used a brother in Church to help me overcome this thought. He reminded me of my dreams and all the beautiful things I want to do for God, most of which I'm doing now, to the glory of God. I was set free because I understood that God wants me alive and to enjoy life to its fullness until it overflows. I also understood that I never gave myself life, God did, so I don't have the right to take it. 

Do not allow the devil to put such thoughts in your heart, no matter what life looks like for you now. There's no torment or suffering on earth that can be compared to that in hell, and I can assure you from scriptures that suicide takes you to hell fire. You can defeat those voices in your head by focusing on the cross of Calvary. Jesus died that you might live. Go to the cross and lay all the guilt, suffering, torment, heartbreak..... Lay it all on His feet and rest in His love and peace.

‭Matthew 11:28-30 MSG‬
[28-30] “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me (Jesus). Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
~ Elvis Maureen 


I know you've been through a lot. You may be traumatized, physically and emotionally abused, feeling trapped without a sense of purpose or future, abandoned and neglected, feeling extremely hopeless, grieved from losing a loved one or a failed relationship, and this has welcomed depression, anxiety and doubt into your heart. I understand, but, is suicide really the escape?

Suicidal thought is an idea from the devil – your core enemy – which you'll eventually regret if you act on it. It is the device of deception the devil uses to drag people to hell - a place of unending pain and agony, which can't be compared to the pains you're experiecing now. Killing yourself is an unpardonable sin against God, hence, it won't solve the problem but only amplify it when you get to the other side.

You may have reasons to commit suicide but there is a greater reason to stay alive.
• Jesus Christ who died and rose again for your sake loves you and is very much interested in you. He has given you a bright future and destiny.
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV‬)  
The devil knows this. He therefore creates a fog of depression and despair so you won't see and experience the brightness of God's magnificent plans for you.

I want to encourage you to discard that suicidal thought and run to Jesus. In Jesus, there is hope to live and start again.
“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I AM DOING A NEW THING; now it springs forth, DO YOU NOT PERCEIVE IT? I WILL MAKE A WAY in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:18-19 ESV‬)

Courageously take up your bowed head, wipe your sobbing eyes to see the glorious life that lies ahead. God is surely going to do a new thing in your life. It may look really devastating, lonely and scary now, but Jesus can take out that thick dark cloud around you, strengthen your wearied heart and make a way for you. Accepting Him will introduce you to a life of continuous joy, peace and fulfillment. He is just beside you waiting for you to call on Him.

Don't give up on yourself because God hasn't given up on you and will never give up on you.
~ Favour Chukwudinobi 

"But anyone who is alive in the world of the living has some hope; a live dog is better off than a dead lion." Ecclesiastes 9:4 
That situation will turn around for good if you don't give up. This situation came to pass, don't let it pass with you, remain gallant and it'll pass. 
"No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us." Romans 8:37. Victory is yours in Jesus' Name. Don't take your life. You have overcome and you'll share your story and testimony with the world soon. Cheers up and start living again.

God bless you.

PS: You can always reach out to us via email: or on Facebook @ Precious Victor Akah


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