I've been born again for 12 years now and I've encountered challenges in different forms and intensities - as a teenager and as an adult.
Challenges is part of life. 

You can't run from it as long as you're in this world. And you can't escape it by surrendering your life to Jesus actually as some people may think. As a matter of fact, the Scripture says, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivers him from them all."(Psalm 34:19). God the Father also promised, "Call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.” (Psalm 50:15)

These scriptures and many others point to the glaring truth that no one can run or escape from life's challenges. Whether you belong to Jesus or not, whether you accept Jesus and live righteous or reject Him and live the way you want to live, you cannot escape challenges of life. 

The big difference however between the two, is that, for those who belong to Christ, they confront life's challenges with great assurance, peace and joy knowing that Jesus had already given them victory, so they approach the challenge with a mindset of victory and from a standpoint of victory, and this is why they're OVERCOMERS; always VICTORIOUS, and more than CONQUERORS. What a sweet place to be!

Now, the best response and the only reasonable approach to life's challenges is to GET PREPARED before it comes. 

How do you prepare for life's challenges?
1. GET INFORMED. Ignorance is one of the main reasons why a lot of people wake up to one challenge or the other everyday, never having a moment or a long time of rest, peace and quietness. As they're recovering from one challenge, another rises, and the cycle continues. But when someone is well informed, enlightened and knowledgeable about life, having gained required knowledge from people and their surroundings, they easily tackle or forestall what can become a tall order in future. Therefore, ask questions when you can and should; observe when you should; read when you should; listen and learn when you should. No good knowledge is a waste. Read Hosea 4:6

2. LEARN FROM THE MISTAKES AND SUCCESSES OF OTHERS. Some challenges can be forestalled or prevented by learning how people who have encountered certain challenges in your life of business, job, education, career, family or home related matters before you handled it successfully. Ask them questions if you can access them. Watch their videos or read their books if that's what you have accessible.

Financial challenges like debts can be prevented or overcome by learning from and watching people who are doing well financially - seeing how they manage their resources and spend their earnings. For instance, staying out of debt is not about how much you earn, but how well you can manage what you earn. One can be earning 1 million monthly and still be heavily indebted, while another earning 300k monthly has more than enough to even help others around him or her. 
So, learn and avoid the mistakes; learn and adopt the successes.

The time you spend every morning and night and some days reading, studying and mediating on the Word of God (feeding your spirit, soul and body with God's Word daily) and praying, fasting, listening to biblical teachings (sermons), reading Christian books, watching christians programmes, is never a waste. It is all part of the preparation for the days of adversity. 

Challenges sometimes comes without announcing and in places or times you may not be close to your Bible to open it or in a place where you can pray loudly, so it is not when the challenge comes that you start equipping yourself. You equip yourself spiritually now before the challenge comes.

Some challenges cannot be prevented or forestalled because they come without announcement. They happen unexpectedly, e.g a health challenge like (cancer, virus or infectious disease). So, when they come out of the blue, don't seclude yourself and start weeping, thinking it is over for you. With Jesus, it can never be over for you. Rise up boldly, confidently and face off that challenge and continue pursuing your purpose. 

You have to be resilient in the face of unexpected or sudden trouble. A tough challenge calls for a tough response, not a weak response. A weak or feeble reaction to a tough challenge will only toughen the challenge, and make it linger a longer time than it should.

4. HAVE A SUPPORT SYSTEM. Ensure you surround yourself with people, especially believers, that genuinely love you and care about your progress and prosperity - who you can call to share your struggles or burdens or challenges with and they'll not only give you a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, but will also provide godly counsel and lift you up in their prayers. With friends or believers like this, you will not give up easily. The support they provide will strengthen you, encourage and help you emerge victorious.

Lay hold on the promises of God in the scriptures and call on God to do as He has promised in His Word.
What are some of these promises?
•Call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.” (Psalm 50:15)

•Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10

And many more....

Only with Jesus do we successfully overcome all of life's challenges and fulfil the purpose of our creation. If you've not yet accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour - surrendering your whole life to Him, I want to invite you to do so today. Let Jesus help you journey through life. Accept Him today. Make peace with Him now and reconcile with your Maker.



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