STAYING FAITHFUL ~ Precious Victor Akah

Someone said, "God has no problem lifting you; His biggest concern is, will you still serve Him faithfully after you're lifted?" This question might seem easy to answer and you may just thoughtlessly give a positive reply to it by saying "yes", but the reality is, many who have previously said "yes" to this question in their low state are no more serving God today or are serving Him casually now after God has lifted them.

So, don't just give a casual "yes" to this question but ponder on it deeply, and when ready, you can make a firm commitment to God or perhaps enter into a covenant with God that you'll not leave Him after He lifts you. And if you ever try to, He should take back everything He has given to you instantly. Not everyone can make this kind of commitment or covenant with God and that shows the level of your love, loyalty, faithfulness, intimacy and walk with God. It shows the state of your heart and the present state of your relationship with God.

Some persons, before God lifted them, would attend church programs back to back, join prayer meetings faithfully, go to church every Sunday, study and read their Bible daily, pray daily and for good quality of time, observe quiet times, go out for evangelism, preach the Gospel on their social media platforms boldly.

But the moment they start handling little money they've never handled before, they stop doing all these things they used to do and replace it with carnal activities. They replace their godly friends with ungodly companions, and embrace worldliness and carnality totally. But it is just a matter of time before they lose all God gave them and return to square one if they don't return to doing what they were doing before God lifted them.

I think where some of us miss it is not knowing the actual reason and purpose for our lifting. I mean, not knowing why God lifted you in the first place. Can God's purpose and reason for lifting you be for you to enter into 'rest' and relaxation where you stop praying, stop reading and studying His word, stop seeking to do His will on earth, stop evangelizing and winning souls to Him, or to stop going to church and promoting Kingdom projects through faithful tithing, offering and seed-sowing? 

Can this really be God's purpose for lifting you? Can He lift you so that you start doing carnal things and meaningless things with no kingdom and eternal value in the name of fun, enjoyment and entertainment? Can He lift you so that you start flaunting and showing off your material possessions on social media and the good things of life you enjoy without reaching out to others to bless them too? This, is definitely not the reason God lifts anyone.

God lifts us so that we can lift others spiritually, financially, physically, emotionally and otherwise.

God lifts us primarily for us to lift His Kingdom on earth by promoting the Gospel, financing Church projects and missions, helping fellow believers and reaching out to the entire world with the Gospel of Jesus. You are to give more now that you're lifted and not give less. You're to tithe more now that you're lifted and not tithe less or not even tithe at all. 

Everything God gives you requires God to continue multiplying. The moment you leave God out, it starts diminishing. Everything God gives you is sustained and multiplied by Him. Without Him, you'll lose all to the devil because Satan's mission is to steal, kill and destroy; and he lurks around looking for every opportunity to do this, and you give him that opportunity the moment you decide to leave God aside and enjoy His blessings without Him.

Examine yourself today. Check the state of your heart towards the things of God and tell yourself the truth. Check your relationship with God and your commitment to Him now that you're enjoying His blessings? Do you still pray like before? Do you still attend church programs like before and join prayer meetings? Do you still preach the Gospel on your social platforms? Are you still promoting Jesus? And is it still evident to everyone around you that you're a child of God and a bold public disciple of Jesus? Or it's now all about showcasing yourself, your family, your good clothes, sumptuous meals, shoes, bags, cars, and all material blessings?

Remember, friendship with the world is enmity with God, and a carnal mind cannot please God. The moment you become friends with the world, you lose God. Worldliness and carnality should not replace godliness and spirituality in your life. You're either worldly or godly, and you're either carnal or spiritual. 

And though you may not realize when you've transitioned from being godly and spiritual to being worldly and carnal, your fellow believers can observe it and might try to warn you, you better listen. Sometimes, sinners around you can tell you've become cold to the things of God and will jokingly make jest of you with it when they come close to you. If you've started experiencing this already, it is a call for you to return to serving God faithfully, in Spirit and in truth.

For further examination, ask yourself these questions: Do I still love the things of God like before? Am I still excited talking about Jesus publicly, reading my Bible and praying? Do I still have the passion to win sinners back to God and am I still telling my colleagues and acquaintances who are not saved about Jesus? Do I still tithe faithfully and correctly now that I am enjoying financial abundance? Or is tithing now a joke to you and means nothing to you anymore? Any child of God that stops tithing faithfully after being raised by God will find him or herself, sooner than later, entering into unimaginable debts, incurring losses upon losses. 

When a man stops serving God faithfully after being lifted by God, it is very clear that he or she has been captured by the love of money, worldliness or greed. When you begin to love money more than God, you're making a very costly mistake.

If this is you, go on your knees now and rededicate your life back to God. Come back to God in genuine repentance and receive His forgiveness. Don't delay. If you choose to ignore this message, I can only honestly tell you that in no small time, all the blessings you're presently enjoying will disappear. Because God will rather have you back to Himself than lose you completely to the devil because of His blessings.

So, it's either you return now and rededicate your life to God and start serving Him faithfully and fervently like before, so that His blessings remains with you and are multiplied in your life daily, or you return (like the prodigal son) shamefully and empty to serve God faithfully with bruises and wounds inflicted on you by the devil.

If I were you, I'll choose the first and return now. You're more precious to God than His blessings. You're very precious to God. Your walk with Him is more important to Him than your work for Him with the blessings He has given you.

Come back to your FIRST LOVE: JESUS. He is waiting for you. Come back to living a godly and a spiritual life. Life is more spiritual than physical. Hold God tight and never let Him go.


PS: You can always reach out to us via email: or on Facebook @ Precious Victor Akah

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