WHEN YOU'RE GUILTLESS ~ Precious Victor Akah

One of Pharaoh's officials, Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh's guard imprisoned Joseph because his wife falsely accused Joseph of attempting to forcefully sleep with her. But when Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dreams and counseled him on what to do about his dreams, Pharaoh did not consult Joseph's past to determine what to do with the interpretation and counsel he gave to him. He didn't care to check or ask what he did to be imprisoned, he put him in charge of his nation right away, as his second-in-command. This is what God can do when your hands are clean and you're guiltless before him.

Did you know that if Joseph had slept with Potiphar's wife, he would still have been imprisoned (later)? Because there is nothing hidden that will not be exposed one day. So, the moment he starts sleeping with Potiphar's wife, soon, one of the servants will get to know about it, and the secret affair will be relayed to Potiphar, who would immediately imprison Joseph.

And the story would have been different. It would have been rumored to Pharaoh that Joseph was sleeping with the wife of one of his officials, and as a result, was imprisoned when the secret was let out. Come to think of it, Potiphar may have ordered that Joseph be beheaded immediately he got wind of their secret affair. Because, he imprisoned Joseph on the account of his wife's testimony that Joseph attempted to lay with her; imagine what drastic action Potiphar would have taken upon hearing that Joseph had been sleeping with his own wife. Think about it for a moment.

Well, thank God Joseph feared God and did what was right before God. In addition to the fact that God brought him out of prison and elevated his social status to the second-in-command of Pharaoh, He gave him the daughter of a priest to be his wife, who gave him two male children within few years of marriage. What a blessing for choosing righteousness.

And another amazing thing God did was that the same Potiphar who imprisoned Joseph became Joseph's subject; though captain of Pharaoh's officials, he could not do anything without taking orders/instructions from Joseph (the same young man who worked for him, whom he unjustly imprisoned). See what the Lord did for Joseph because he was guiltless before Him.

Both Potiphar and Potiphar's wife became Joseph's subjects, because God made Joseph second-in-command to Pharaoh. Oh, how the story would have been different if Joseph had given in to Potiphar's wife's request out of fear of what she could do to him if he said no, or out of lust. Joseph may have been a slave for life in Potiphar's house until the day Potiphar discovers their secret affair and orders for his imprisonment or death. May this not be your story in Jesus' Name. 

Sin is costlier than standing for righteousness. It will surely cost you something to stand for righteousness (which is why some people chicken out immediately they're pressured, persecuted or tempted). It may cost you going to prison, it may cost you your job, it may cost you money, relationships, friendships and other things you value and cherish, but whatever it cost you to stand for righteousness, God will give it back to you in hundred fold. Jesus promises in Matthew 19:29, "But anyone who sacrifices home, family, fields - whatever - because of me will get it all back a hundred times over, not to mention the considerable bonus of eternal life." (MSG)

When you look at the life of Joseph, you'll see that this scripture was fully fulfilled in his life by God. He reunited with his father and brothers, and had a family of his own, in addition to other great bonuses God added to his life. What a faithful God we serve.

When the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and understanding to these things about Joseph while studying Genesis 41 and I shared them with my husband, he said, "And yet, Joseph did not take revenge on Potiphar and his wife." Have you ever thought of that? Joseph did not take revenge on Potiphar for unjustly imprisoning him, neither did he take revenge on Potiphar's wife for falsely accusing him.

You may say, "how do you know he did not take revenge?" Well, because he did not take revenge on his brothers who sold him off to the Ishmaelites, owing to the fact that he feared God, that same fear of God I believe witheld him from taking revenge on Potiphar's family. If he took revenge, the Bible would have recorded it, but he did not. He forgave them because he is a man with a heart of love. Consider how he treated the cupbearer and the Baker in the prison. 

Let love rule your heart, so you can walk in love with all men. God is love, and whoever loves and lives in love, is loved by God, and whoever is loved by God, is given special treatment by God.

Choose love. Choose righteousness. Choose eternal life. Choose Jesus. And stay faithful and guiltless before God. There is substantial reward for it.


PS: You can always reach out to us via email: preciouscphilip@gmail.com or on Facebook @ Precious Victor Akah


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