THEY DREAD YOU ~ Precious Victor Akah

Come with me as I expound this liberating revelation I gained from a personal Bible study with you. It is from the book of Genesis chapter 9 verse 2. We'll read it for better understanding in a few different versions.

Let's read: 
"I will cause every living creature of earth, sky, and sea to fear and dread you from this time forward. They are now under your authority." TPT Version 

"The fear and the terror of you shall be [instinctive] in every animal of the land and in every bird of the air; and together with everything that moves on the ground, and with all the fish of the sea; they are given into your hand." AMP Version 

"All the animals of the earth, all the birds of the sky, all the small animals that scurry along the ground, and all the fish in the sea will look on you with fear and terror. I have placed them in your power." NLT Version 

"All the animals, birds, and fish will live in fear of you. They are all placed under your power." GNT Version 

"And the fear of you and the dread and terror of you shall be upon every beast of the land, every bird of the air, all that creeps upon the ground, and upon all the fish of the sea; they are delivered into your hand." ESV Version 

This scripture shows God giving authority (power) over all animals and everything that moves on the earth to Noah. And the striking thing is this: God gave this authority to Noah after the fall of man (after Adam and Eve sinned). 

So, this in effect extends to you and I, and we can exercise this authority too. And much more now that Jesus has come to earth and fully restored all dominion and authority back to man (anyone who believes in Jesus and accepts Him as Lord and Saviour).

Yes, this was how things were before Adam fell into sin. Adam had control over all the animals. But as we can see in Genesis 9:2, God gave that authority, control and power back to Noah and to everyone of us.

The dominion Jesus restored to man includes dominion over animals and everything that moves on the ground. God has put the fear and dread of you instinctively in all animals and everything that moves on the ground. It may not appear to be so merely looking at it, but spiritually, it is, and it'll manifest physically when you know and are conscious of this spiritual reality and take the bold step to exercise it physically. 

"All animals are to dread and fear you, and not you being afraid of them." As I say this to you, I say it to myself too: All animals are to dread and fear me, and not me being afraid of them." When you see a cockroach fly by or a bee, a rat, a cat, a spider, your first thoughtless reaction might be to run or take cover, but when you take to your heels and then remember this scripture, please come back and do the needful.

But, does this scripture mean you should be careless around animals (especially wild animals), or that you shouldn't take safety measures to protect yourself when around them? No! This is a fallen world. The present world is not the perfect world (utopia) God had in mind when He created earth. It is contaminated with sin. So, you must still be careful with these creatures. 

Therefore, what does this scripture mean to you and I? It means you should be able to exercise your authority and dominion over these creatures when faced with a difficult or challenging situation. For instance, for the sake of Christ and the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus, you're thrown into a den of lions to be eaten up or as an act of persecution, they put you in a room and unleash spiders or dogs to attack you, you can rise up in faith and command that they do not hurt you. 

Remember, if God could shut the lions' mouth from eating Daniel up, He can do it again if you put your faith to work. He is still the same God. Scripture says, "You'll have whatever you say." (Mark 11:23). It also says, "You will decree a thing, and it will be established for you;" (Job 22:28).

Or, maybe you are walking home at night and suddenly, a snake crawls up to you or is in the pathway you need to take and it is the only pathway leading to your home, give command to that snake in the Name of Jesus, to leave the path so you can pass, or you can command it not to hurt you while you walk pass it. Remember Luke 10:19.

Amplified Version of Luke 10:19 says, "Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan); and nothing will [in any way] harm you." If killing the snake is what you feel like doing at that time, then be certain that you have the backing of God and it'll by no means hurt you.

Another instance that many of us have experienced or do experience: you're going to visit a friend or coming back from work, and suddenly, a fierce looking dog sights you and starts coming towards you - barking furiously. Don't run! Remember the authority you have. And remember that that dog is also afraid of you - the more reason it is barking furiously. 

You can continue walking confidently knowing that that dog cannot attack you because, God has put the dread and fear of you on all animals. So it will bark, but not hurt you. Or you can command it to shut up or turn the other way and not attack you. The consciousness you have that God has put the fear and dread of you in these animals is what will give you victory always.

I've experienced this so many times, especially in the apartment I lived alone while single. I didn't have the revelation of this scripture then, but I was conscious of God's backing. The road to my apartment had many angry, tough-looking dogs, that whenever I remembered that I'd meet them on the way to wherever I was going, I would pray about them before leaving the house. And when I eventually come across them and they start barking non-stop, I continue walking boldly and they would stop after a while. 

One time I was coming back from a short travel and it was late in the night, when the dogs sighted me from afar, they ran towards me, barking angrily, but I stood still and spoke to them in anger, "What is it? What is it? Get out! Get out!" I shouted this in a foreign language. After some seconds, they started withdrawing from me and I continued my walk back to my apartment. God is faithful.

Let's also consider another aspect this dominion extends to: the fear of man (humans). 
The Amplified Version of Genesis 9:2 we read, says, "The fear and the terror of you shall be [instinctive] in every animal of the land and in every bird of the air; and together with everything that moves on the ground, and with all the fish of the sea; they are given into your hand."

It says "TOGETHER WITH EVERYTHING THAT MOVES ON THE GROUND." That includes man. Man (human beings) moves on the ground. So are you thinking what I have in mind to say? You should not dread or fear your fellow man.

A robber walks up to you on the way back from a church programme (demanding to have your personal belongings: your phone, wristwatch, bag, etc) you should be bold and tell him or her they cannot have it. An armed robber mistakenly attacks your home with weapons, know that they cannot shoot you, except you welcome fear into your heart. If you stand bold, with the understanding and consciousness of this scripture in Genesis 9:2 and Luke 10:19, they cannot hurt you or even take what is yours.

Moreover, armed robbers are not meant to attack your home as a child of God. Even when you're sleeping or absent from home, angels are watching over that home, because both you and all that you have are God's properties, so Satan's workers or agents cannot touch it. See Psalm 34:7

A word of caution however, you must first be born again to be able to have and exercise this authority. And in addition to being born again, you must live a righteous life. Sin can stop or resist you from exercising your spiritual authority. Sin also weakens or silences your spiritual voice. So you can be giving command to the devil or an animal and they won't hear you, or hear but ignore you, if you're not living clean. 
Avoid sin at all cost if you must exercise your dominion on earth. 

Lastly, understand the key scripture I used in this post and other supporting scriptures, believe them with all your heart, and live daily with the consciousness of it, so you can successfully exercise the truth that you have discovered from this blog post whenever a challenge confronts you.

God bless you.





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