Do you want to live sexually pure? Do this. ~ Precious C Philip •For Singles•

I'm amazed at how some professing born again Christians confidently follow celebrities on social media whose lifestyle, career, principles or vocation is clearly ungodly. It really gives me a funny feeling

One of the strangest things I have seen since I became born again is Christians who verbally say they want to live holy or sexually pure, yet closely follow celebrities (actors, musicians, photographers, entertainers) on social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Tiktok, YouTube...) who post nudity or share pictures of themselves nude or semi-nude, and share posts that are sexually stimulating. Sister, are you really serious about living holy? Brother, are you sure you really want to live a sexually pure life?

You can't have a genuine desire to live sexually pure and still follow these celebrities on social media, like their immoral pictures and feed on their sexually stimulating posts. You just can't do that. If you can, then you do not have a genuine desire to live holy.

But why would you allow momentary pleasures that doesn't last for eternity to confine you to eternal punishment in hell fire? I mean, the Bible says the sexually immoral cannot enter the kingdom of God. It is boldly spelt out in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 "Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God."

You can't follow these people on social media and feed on their posts and still be able to live a holy and sexually pure life. No! It is not possible. You either choose holiness and unfollow these celebrities and follow those who promote sexual purity and share materials that will spiritually uplift you, or you choose immorality and continue to follow these celebrities that promote sexual immorality on their social media pages and wind up in hell fire. May this not be your portion.

Why continue to follow a celebrity whose pictures and posts arouses you sexually and stirs you up to masturbate, fornicate, watch pornography, commit adultery or even engage in homosexuality? Why? Don't you care about eternity? Don't you know that such lifestyle drives an individual to hell fire? 

Desiring to live sexually pure is not enough. You must begin to do what it takes to live sexually pure.

Please I beseech you by the mercies of God to discontinue from this journey that ends in destruction. Unfollow these ungodly celebrities because the devil is using them to destroy your future without your knowledge. Follow the right people on social media that will spur you on to live holy. 

We really can tell if you sincerely want to live sexually pure by the people you follow, like and share their posts on social media.

If you want to live sexually pure, you can - simply follow people that promote sexual purity. And if you want to live sexually immoral, just follow people that share sexual immoral stuffs on their social media pages. The ball is in your court. If I were you, I would choose sexual purity.

Heaven is real. Hell is also real. God loves you and wants for you to spend eternity with Him. Please choose sexual purity. Choose holiness. Choose sanctification. Choose separation from the world. Choose to sacrifice worldly pleasures to gain eternal pleasures. You really don't want to miss heaven, believe me. 






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