Many Christians have set the commendable goal of living a sexually pure life in 2025, which is pleasing to God. However, setting a goal without a concrete plan to achieve it is merely a wish. Conversely, if you create a plan to actualize your goal, you are well on your way to success.  

In this post, I will share practical steps to help you successfully achieve the goal of living a sexually pure life in 2025 and beyond. This guidance is intended for those who are truly determined and ready to embrace sexual purity, as it will require sacrifices and a willingness to let go of certain habits.  

To clarify, sexual purity encompasses the purity of the mind, body, and spirit. It involves abstaining from anything immoral—especially of a sexual nature—that can pollute or defile your mind, body, and spirit. This includes lust, masturbation, sexting/smooching (between unwed couple), pornography, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and prostitution, among others.  

Now, let’s delve into the main subject. To successfully live a sexually pure life this year and maintain that lifestyle, consider the following steps:  

1. End All Immoral Friendships:  
Cut ties with friends—both in person and online—who engage in sexually immoral behaviours. Friends who constantly talk about sex and post it on their status and pages often; friends who watch, enjoy, and share vulgar comedies and jokes; who watch porn, sexually explicit movies, who masturbate, who tell you it is not a big deal to have pre-marital sex; those who are of the opinion that you must be sexually intimate with someone to know if they can satisfy you in marriage, or that you need to engage in the act to gain experience and knowledge of sex; friends who encourage you to cheat on your spouse or who are cheating on their spouse; friends who club and patronize prostitutes. 

Seek out new friendships with those who value and promote sexual purity, and strive to emulate their lifestyles.  
Supporting Scriptures: Mark 4:24a, 1 Corinthians 15:33, 2 Timothy 2:22.  

2. Terminate Immoral Romantic Relationships:  
Whether married or unmarried, if you are in a sexual relationship with someone to whom you are not legally married, it’s time to end it and rekindle your relationship with God. For the unmarried, prioritize God, and He will provide for your marital future. For the married, focus on God and your marriage, and He will prosper your marriage. If you aren’t ready for marriage, avoid initiating romantic relationships until you are prepared.  

It's best to keep away from any romantic relationship (to avoid unnecessary sexual temptations) until you're ready to marry in the next 1/2 years. And when you're ready, God will lead you to someone who is also ready and you both will marry.
Supporting Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 3:1, Song of Solomon 8:4.  

3. Discontinue Following Immoral Content Online:  
Stop following social media accounts, celebrities, and friends who share sexually explicit content or promote immoral lifestyles. Celebrities and friends who love nudity and advertise sex and stir up lust with their provocative dressing. Celebrities who promote homosexuality, adultery and/or pre-marital sex. 

Instead, seek out pages and figures that advocate for sexual purity and wholesome values.  
Supporting Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 11:1.  

4. Cease Immoral Actions:  
Identify and eliminate behaviors that lead to sexual sin. Unsubscribe from comedians or comedy channels on YouTube, tiktok, Facebook or Instagram that constantly shares sex related comedies. Stop purchasing, downloading and watching pornographic contents, x-rated movies/erotic movies, secular music videos with sexual contents. Delete all porn videos and nude pictures you have on your devices, delete your Browser's or YouTube search history with sexual contents, and install some softwares that prevents you from browsing, accessing, opening or seeing pop-up images of a sexual nature. Some apps you can download:
Covenant Eyes, SPIN Safe Browser, Net Nanny, Accountable2You, Qustodio, OurPact, Cold Turkey, SelfControl, Freedom. 
Supporting Scriptures: Proverbs 4:23, 1 Thessalonians 5:22.  

It is essential to understand that achieving these goals is only possible if you are born again. Becoming a child of God allows you to receive the Holy Spirit, who empowers you spiritually and powers you supernaturally to abstain from sexual immorality.  

Once you receive the Holy Spirit, equip yourself with knowledge of God’s Word to combat these temptations. Find and meditate on Scriptures that encourage sexual purity and oppose immorality, memorizing key passages to aid you in your mental battles against temptation.  

If you seek further assistance in maintaining a sexually pure life this New Year and beyond, please visit my website:  

God bless you.





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