Once, there was a young man who faced immense struggles in life. He endured disappointments, humiliation, rejection, and shame at every turn. No matter what he attempted to make a living, success eluded him. He tried various jobs, but each ended in failure.

He had a few friends who offered support, especially in times of financial need. However, as time passed, even these friends began to distance themselves, believing he was jinxed and would never find success.

In a moment of hopelessness and deep depression, the young man succumbed to despair and took his own life, ending his journey far too soon.

Now, let me share the story of another young man. He, too, labored tirelessly to make ends meet, consistently facing obstacles and setbacks. There were times he contemplated giving up, but he realized that surrendering would mean not only the end of his struggles but also the loss of his chance to prove to those who had mocked him—and even to himself—that he could achieve greatness.

With renewed hope, he pressed on, ignoring the ridicule and setbacks. One day, he encountered someone who shared the love of God through Christ Jesus with him. Overwhelmed with joy, tears streamed down his face. When asked why he wept, he revealed that no one had ever shown him love since he left his parents' home in search of a better life.

He was gifted a Holy Bible and introduced to a house fellowship, where he found community with fellow believers. His joy deepened as he learned about God’s unwavering love for him.

As he studied the Scriptures, he discovered the profound truth of what Christ Jesus had accomplished on the cross for him: freedom from sin and its consequences, a life of victory and purpose, the power to succeed in alignment with God’s plan, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit to lead a prosperous, great and dignified life.

Over time, his confidence grew, his faith strengthened, and his hope soared. He worked diligently in his pursuits, knowing that God’s blessings were upon him and his business. 

Years later, he became a wealthy, influential man. He continued to serve God and to share God's love with everyone he met, often stating, "The most powerful force that can prevent anyone from taking their life in the face of overwhelming challenges is the love of God."

This statement is undeniably true. Human love can falter. The love of parents, friends, relatives, and even spouses may not be enough to hold someone back from despair or suicide during difficult times. However, the LOVE OF GOD is unshakeable.

I have come to realize that when the enemy seeks to destroy a child of God, he often convinces them that God no longer loves or cares for them. The moment a believer accepts this lie, they become vulnerable to attack.

Therefore, as a child of God, regardless of your circumstances, never believe the lie that God has stopped loving you. No matter what sin you have fallen into, never think, never believe, never accept the lie from the devil that God does not love you anymore. NEVER!

His love is constant, unchanging, and irrevocable. Remember, He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for you while you were still a sinner and His enemy. He loved you even when you were unlovable. What could possibly cause Him to stop loving you? Not sin, doubt, or faithlessness —none of these can separate you from His love.

This doesn’t mean you should continue in sin, doubt or faithlessness, but rather that even in times of trials or when you fall into sin, God’s love remains steadfast.

Rest in the assurance of God’s love for you. Let it bolster your faith and confidence to persevere in life. Allow His love to inspire you to work hard and live the victorious, successful life He has already prepared for you in Christ Jesus. Go forth and share the love of God with those around you.

We all need the LOVE OF GOD to thrive on this earth; without it, we cannot endure for long.

P.S. If you have yet to accept Jesus and turn from your sins, invite Him into your life today, and experience the wonderful, transforming love of God.

Peace be with you.





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