Once, there was a young man who faced immense struggles in life. He endured disappointments, humiliation, rejection, and shame at every turn. No matter what he attempted to make a living, success eluded him. He tried various jobs, but each ended in failure. He had a few friends who offered support, especially in times of financial need. However, as time passed, even these friends began to distance themselves, believing he was jinxed and would never find success. In a moment of hopelessness and deep depression, the young man succumbed to despair and took his own life, ending his journey far too soon. Now, let me share the story of another young man. He, too, labored tirelessly to make ends meet, consistently facing obstacles and setbacks. There were times he contemplated giving up, but he realized that surrendering would mean not only the end of his struggles but also the loss of his chance to prove to those who had mocked him—and even to himself—that he could achieve great...